Tagged: yoga practice


The Caged Girls: She is Reborn.

 Visit here for more of The Caged Girls. Chapter 36. She sits in bed writing what lies inside her chest. It spills out in bursts and pauses today rather than intense moments of clarity. She’s had...


You Know You’re a Yogi When…

Seven signs you’re a yogi: 1. You don’t care about the Lululemon controversy—not really—all you want to do is hop on your mat and move and breathe. Mmmmm… 2. You don’t care if other...


The Caged Girls: We Practice to be Reborn.

Visit here for more of The Caged Girls. Chapter 35. There’s a fearful quiet that permeates when you do nothing. The silence leaks into my bones and stills my clumsily racing heart—until I feel my heartbeat quicken, made...