How Yoga Really Changes Your Life.
It’s kind of easy to explain how to practice yoga breath-work to other people. It’s feasible to relay the benefits of “open” hips and limber leg muscles. It’s possible, too, for anyone to learn...
It’s kind of easy to explain how to practice yoga breath-work to other people. It’s feasible to relay the benefits of “open” hips and limber leg muscles. It’s possible, too, for anyone to learn...
My shoulders settle down my back and my heart lifts at the clickity-clack sound of my fingers dancing across my laptop. My ring turns on my right hand, so that the family heirloom diamonds...
Saturday rolls around and it’s easy to get caught up in the mental scan of household chores and family needs. But it’s important to consider that weekends are for more than grocery store trips...
I was in yoga class, in downward-facing dog, when I reached my right leg high and long behind me. It felt like my toes touched the studio ceiling. And I know that this was intrinsically...
There are many universally known truths about life. One is that life isn’t fair; another is that you don’t want to sit downwind of your lactose intolerant friend after she just ate cheese—and here are a...
I have this amazing friend. She inspires me. She shows me love. She makes me feel beautiful and smart and special—and right now she needs a boost. Because she’s not sure of who she...