Date a Girl Who Likes to Shovel.
Date a girl who likes to shovel—she’s not afraid to dig deeply into life. She’s not afraid to get red and sweaty in a way that has nothing to do with sex, and while...
Date a girl who likes to shovel—she’s not afraid to dig deeply into life. She’s not afraid to get red and sweaty in a way that has nothing to do with sex, and while...
If I promised not to hurt you, would you trust me forever? Or is human trust only meant to go so far? My love for you exceeds words, even though I believe I’m very...
We can only be treated like the enemy for so long before we become one. I thought this to myself as I dealt with my daughter this morning. Jealous of the new baby, she’s...
I was just telling a friend that I’m more opinionated about judgmental parents than I am about parenting styles. It seems that lately I come across two handfuls of articles a day on what to...
We were sitting at the dinner table when I first noticed the fine lines around his eyes. I noticed how they splayed from the outer corner, up to his eyebrows and down to the...
When the glasses are all cleared. When there are dishes to be done. When hearts have been emptied into words whispered from lips to ears. There’s a sort of let down that follows a...
Love isn’t static. It swirls around you like balmy air sent up from the south. The wind catches your hair, and a few strands stick in the moist crease of your lips. You reach...
Don’t ever Google “post-baby body” and expect to find something uplifting. Also, I shouldn’t have Googled my weight and height, what’s “normal” weight-loss post-baby or anything else along these lines, like I did. The...
I didn’t make it to savasana today. I always finish my yoga practice—even if I clip it short, I still have some form of closure, like child’s pose, savasana or seated meditation. But today,...
My four-year-old daughter just schooled me on a puzzle. To be honest, I’m not spatially oriented at all and hate puzzles. That said, she gave me a funny look as she corrected me; putting...