A Love Note to the Traditional Grown-up.


Jennifer is a voracious reader, obsessive writer, passionate yoga instructor and drinker of hoppy ales. She's also a devoted mama and wife (a stay-at-home yogi). She considers herself to be one of the funniest people that ever lived. In addition to her work on elephant journal and The Huffington Post, Jennifer has over 40 articles published on the wellness website MindBodyGreen and her column Your Personal Yogi ran in the newspaper Toledo Free Press. She holds a Bachelor's degree in geology, absolutely no degrees in anything related to literature, and she currently owns a wheel of cheese. Her books, The Best Day of Your Life and The Art of Parenting: Love Letters from a Mother are available on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ .

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2 Responses

  1. Shadi says:

    And to read this post on a day that I nearly successfully convinced myself that God has abandoned me! That being physically useless for my kids was my fate. Then I get to read this which for me was a meditation on exquisteness of ordinary yet magical life I still possess. Again I’m reassured that life’s (warts and all), truly precious. Thank you Jennifer.

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