6 Things Besides the Environment I Started Caring More About After Having Kids.


Jennifer is a voracious reader, obsessive writer, passionate yoga instructor and drinker of hoppy ales. She's also a devoted mama and wife (a stay-at-home yogi). She considers herself to be one of the funniest people that ever lived. In addition to her work on elephant journal and The Huffington Post, Jennifer has over 40 articles published on the wellness website MindBodyGreen and her column Your Personal Yogi ran in the newspaper Toledo Free Press. She holds a Bachelor's degree in geology, absolutely no degrees in anything related to literature, and she currently owns a wheel of cheese. Her books, The Best Day of Your Life and The Art of Parenting: Love Letters from a Mother are available on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ .

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2 Responses

  1. Amanda says:

    Thank you for this! It is the most refreshing, truthful goodness that I have had the pleasure of reading in so long! We are all perfect exactly as we are! My baby boy turned one yesterday, he was born with Down Syndrome and this year has been so filled with joy and light and if I were to listen to all of the bullshit advice from the drs and therapists about all of the things my sweet boy won’t do I would be missing out on all that he can and does do! He is absolutely perfect and so is his sister and brother, just as they are! My daughter is 2 and likes to paint and draw and speak in her own special language to her brothers and the same therapists that see my baby see her as she is always with me and they tried to tell me that they see “red flags” in her and for about a split second I believed them:( it was the worst week ive ever had! Then I realized she is her own unique flower and all of the flowers in the garden bloom exactly when they should! Now I am embracing her uniqueness even more! They chose the best mother for i will always advocate for them and let them be exactly who they are! Thank you for reminding me of this tonight! Xoxo

    • Jennifer says:

      Amanda, I can’t tell you how reading this makes me feel. I so, so understand what you are saying. Our kids are so special, and when we try to view them through an expected range of normal and unnecessary markers of average, we lose sight of what makes them special. It’s incredibly important as parents to understand that our role is to help guide these little people to be the best versions of their authentic selves. I celebrate you and your ability to love so honestly and passionately. xoxo Jennifer

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